webflow svelte components logoWFS


Learn how to install and use the Webflow Svelte CLI to add components to your project

Install the CLI package using your preferred package manager:

npm install webflow-svelte-cli

After installation, run wfs init to initialize your components:

npm wfs init

The CLI will prompt you to enter your license key. You can find your license key in your Lemon Squeezy account. This key is required to access and install the components:

 WFS Initialization

 Please enter your license key:

 Successfully validated license

After validating your license, you'll be guided through choosing where to install the CSS file, selecting a location for the components, and installing all available components.

 Installation path for wfs.css:

 wfs.css created successfully

 Installation path for components:

 Successfully installed 25 components

 You're all set!

Import the wfs.css file in your main application file.

import './wfs.css';

You can now start using the components in your project. Check out the components section to learn how to use them.


initInitialize the project and install all components
activateActivate a license
deactivateDeactivate the license
helpDisplay this help message

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